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来源:中国建材体育注册送体验50工业园  发布时间:2023-10-12

今年是共建“一带一路”倡议提出10周年。10 年来,中国usdt存送优惠坚定不移走国际化道路,不断创新“走出去”模式,始终秉持“为当地经济作贡献、与当地企业合作、为当地居民服务”的合作共赢“三原则”,为“一带一路”沿线国家和地区提供高质量建材和工程技术服务。我们遍布全球的2万多名海外员工,在砥砺奋进中书写精彩答卷,在企业发展中实现共同成长,用一点一滴的默默奉献生动谱写“美美与共”美好蓝图。




2022 年加入中国建材


我叫麦坦提·摩根,今年39岁,出生在体育注册送体验50铜带省的恩多拉,毕业于非洲体育注册送体验50大学中非函授学院。2022 年3月,我加入了中国建材体育注册送体验50工业园,担任健康、安全、安保、环境和质量经理 ( 以下简称安环经理 )。此前,我在行业内也积累了丰富的健康、安全、安保和环境管理等方面的工作经验,同时也十分注重对体育注册送体验50本地法律法规和国际规则的学习,尽可能全面系统地做好工业园的安全管理工作。

作为安环经理,我严于律己,按照公司的安全环保要求 , 结合公司安全生产实际状况,认真开展公司各项安全环保管理工作。为了更好地做好本职工作,我平日很重视对业务知识的学习和业务能力的提高,通过各种方式学习安全环保知识,锻炼自己工作能力,提升自己业务水平,对于上级下达的各项任务,总会尽全力在第一时间完成任务目标。2023 年年初以来,为促进企业安全生产形势持续稳定好转,深入贯彻落实“安全第一,预防为主,综合治理”的方针政策,我们围绕工艺装备、基础设施、作业环境、防控手段等方面存在的隐患,以及责任落实、遵章守纪、现场管理等方面存在的薄弱环节,重点督导完成了各类安全、环境隐患的排查和整改工作。





The "Zero Accident" Guardian

Mwitanti Morgan

Joined CNBM in 2022

HSSEQ Manager of CNBM Zambia Industrial Park

My name is Mwitanti Morgan. I am 39 years old. I was born in Ndola, Copperbelt Province, Zambia. I graduated from the University of Africa, and obtained my Master's degree in Basic Business Administration of Health and Safety Management from Acaciai University in the UK through distance education. In March 2022, I joined CNBM Zambia Industrial Park as its Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Quality (HSSEQ) Manager. Before that, I accumulated rich work experience in health, safety, security and environmental management in the industry, and also paid great attention to the study of local laws and regulations and international rules, so as to contribute to the safety management of the industrial park as comprehensively and systematically as possible.

As an HSSEQ manager, I am strict with myself, and conscientiously carry out the company's safety and environmental protection management in accordance with the company's safety and environmental protection requirements, combined with the actual situation of the company's safety production. In order to do a better job, I attach great importance to the study of business knowledge and the improvement of business ability, learn the knowledge of safety and environmental protection by various means, exercise my work ability and improve my business level, and always try my best to complete the assigned tasks as soon as possible. Since the beginning of this year, in order to promote the continuous and stable improvement of the production safety situation of the industrial park, and thoroughly implement the policy of "safety first, prevention-focused, comprehensive management", we have focused on the hidden dangers in process equipment, infrastructure, operating environment, prevention and control means, as well as the weak links in responsibility implementation, compliance and discipline, and on-site management. We’ve supervised inspections and rectification work for various safety and environmental hazards.

In daily management, my colleagues thought I am a strict and impartial person, because I know that "safety is no small matter." Every individual should fulfill his or her responsibilities, and collectively we should perform our duties to achieve the goal of "zero accidents". I rarely stay in the office, and spend most of my time at the front-lines to timely detect and solve various safety and environmental protection problems in the production process, explain the safety operation procedures in detail for employees who are unfamiliar with the business, and point out problems and eliminate hidden dangers. I believe that only in this way can we create favorable conditions for smooth production and operation, and help improve the company's safety and environmental protection management level and quality. According to the company's arrangement, every June is the" Safety Production Month". I will actively lead my department colleagues to hang safety-themed slogans and banners in the park, to create a good publicity atmosphere. We also carefully formulate the activity plan of the Safety Production Month and send it to all workshops, organize and carry out a variety of environmental safety awareness lectures, drills and training activities in the workshops to comprehensively enhance everyone's safety and environmental awareness.

“Leave the past behind, and indulge in moving forward.” In the future, I will continue to enhance my business ability and earnestly learn more professional knowledge to enrich myself, so as to better serve the company's safety work. At the same time, we will strengthen the communication, coordination and collaboration with various departments, mobilize everyone to work together, organize and hold on-site safety production analysis meetings, identify the causes and solve the problems. We will develop some practical safety measures to support frontline management personnel in executing efficient on-site safety management. I hope that through these efforts, we can foster an atmosphere within the company where “safety is emphasized by all, and everyone understands emergency preparedness.” and we can jointly promote the safety work of the company to a higher level and safeguard the overseas development of China National Building Material Group.





2018 年加入中国建材


我的名字叫怀斯·希布鲁,今年44岁,出生在体育注册送体验50南部一个叫Choma 的小镇,我的职业是机械技术员。我于 2018 年7月加入中国建材体育注册送体验50工业园。刚入职时,我只是一名普通的巡检工,主要负责对现场设备的巡查和维护。在日常的工作中,我凭借自己在职业学校期间所学的机械知识,再加上日常的工作实践,我的工作能力得到了很大的提升,现在的我担任水泥磨工段的工段长。






To Promote the Development of the Belt and Road through Self-growth

Wise Chibulu

Joined CNBM in 2018

Chief of Cement Grinding Mill Section of CNBM Zambia Industrial


My name is Wise Chibulu. I am 44 years old. I was born in Choma, a small town in southern Zambia. I joined CNBM Zambia Industrial Park in July 2018. When I first joined, I was just an ordinary inspection worker, mainly responsible for inspection and maintenance of on-site equipment. In daily work, I have greatly improved my working ability thanks to the mechanical knowledge I learned in vocational school and from daily work practice. Now I am working as the foreman of the cement grinding section.

The new position means greater responsibilities. When I first became the monitor, I did not understand the process principles of the cement grinding system and the operation principles of the equipment thoroughly, so I would take a self-made small notebook every day and keep recording what I did not understand. At the bottom of the cement warehouse, I observed how the cement materials were transported and how these equipments were started and operated successively. After my Chinese colleagues gave me a process flow chart, I compared it with the equipment and annotated the material transportation route, and with an inquiring attitude, I have made progress step by step until today. During the position rotation period, I did not make any work mistakes, and repeatedly detected the potential safety hazards of equipment and promptly gave feedback to the relevant management personnel, preventing the occurrence of major equipment safety accidents.

Machinery and equipment are important production tools, which play an extremely important role in completing production tasks. Therefore, I will regularly check the running time of each set of equipment and the operation of the motor, etc. While ensuring safety, I will eliminate the flaws and errors in the operation of the equipment in time, and ask my team to cherish the equipment, using the equipment correctly according to the safe operation procedures, carefully maintaining the equipment to ensure its good condition and normal operation. In addition, I will also use the time before and after work to carry out regular training, so that they can understand the structure of the equipment, the role and methods of equipment inspection, as well as the maintenance and the operation procedures of equipment. In the work, we should use and maintain the equipment properly so that it can function stably and run normally to serve the production needs.

Theoretical knowledge is always the most powerful standard to guide production, a person can only keep up with the pace of the times by constant Wise Chibulu Joined CNBM in 2018 Chief of Cement Grinding Mill Section of CNBM Zambia Industrial Park To Promote the Development of the Belt and Road through Self-growth learning. As an employee at the production site, while ensuring production, my collegues and I will use our spare time to discuss the difficulties in work, and we will consult the Chinese masters together. They always teach us everything, and we benefit a lot every time. Only by applying the production knowledge and integrating it with the production practice can we better improve the quality of our work. Our Chinese masters’ targeted explanations can not only solve the difficulties in our work, but also improve our operational level and comprehensive performance, and promote us to constantly master new knowledge and new skills.

While leading the team to do a good job in production, we pay more attention to the "people- oriented" production concept and pay close attention to the implementation of the safety production management responsibility system. In order to effectively promote the progress of the safety management in our team, we have established a safety performance assessment system in the workshop. Through the assessment, we can clarify the responsibilities of the team members, enhance their initiative in safety management, and establish clear accountability by dividing the tasks and specifying responsibility boundaries. In addition, I have taken targeted measures to address safety hazards in production, based on the actual conditions in the workshop. I provide on-site guidance and conduct meetings as part of my work approach to promote the construction of safety culture in the workshop. Through meetings, training sessions, safety slogans, presentations, we have successfully cultivated a culture of safety in the workshop and improved the safety awareness of employees. In this way, an atmosphere has been quickly built up where all teams in the workshop work together to ensure safety and effectively manage potential risks.

Time flies, in a blink of an eye, I have been here for nearly five years, CNBM Zambia Industrial Park is like a big family, witnessing my every step of growth from a grassroots inspection worker all the way to a team leader. I attributed my growth during this period to my own efforts and, more importantly to the support of my leaders and the help from my colleagues. In the future, I will continue to enhance my professional knowledge, strive to improve my management capability, continue to work hard, and set a good example for my team, so as to contribute more strength to promoting the construction and development of the "Belt and Road".